High quality coffee - trends and trivia
It’s fair to say that coffee consumption is at an all time high. In the UK, over 95 million cups of coffee are being consumed on a daily basis but is this due to a rise in population, popularity or premium offerings?
Instant coffee has been surpassed. Speciality coffee is at the fore and the search for the finest quality coffee beans, blends and roasts continues.
Searching out the highest quality coffee enters you into an evolving market with a plethora of premium products. In doing so, not only will your company be selecting superior products but you will be showcasing to your customers that you value quality above all else.
High Quality Coffee Consumer Trends 2018
If you're opting to select high-quality coffee beans for your new business venture, or you are looking to adapt your current company to more modern times, paying attention to the trends is tremendously important.
Whilst investigating the most influential coffee consumer trends of 2018, Allegra Insights (Project Cafe UK 2019) gathered results to produce a report demonstrating the most crucial elements, (according to the coffee survey participants). Below are the top four responses.
High Quality Coffee - Increased Consumer Knowledge (28%)
There has been an eruption in coffee connoisseurism. Much like the rise of the wine connoisseur cult, experts are commanding quality at every turn. Special scrutiny goes beyond the barista making the coffee itself and critiques can be made of the producer and roaster.
It’s an education which absorbs the journey from bean to cup, identifying precise origins, flavours and imperfections. These are the hallmarks of quality coffee and the minimum you should expect your customers to consider.
Today, coffee drinkers go way beyond the need for a caffeine fix and instead enjoy the entire experience involved with buying and consuming coffee.
Coffee has evolved from being a basic hot beverage into a fully blown social experience, and pioneers like Starbucks started a new wave of Coffee Culture.
High Quality Coffee - Independent Coffee Shop Growth (26%)
Considering we were traditionally a nation of tea and instant coffee drinkers, for us to develop into a nation obsessed with quality coffee is some undertaking.
The younger generation are said to be the driving force behind this trend. For them, coffee is more than a commodity or caffeine supplement. It’s an affordable luxury. It’s a social occasion. It’s an artisan experience.
A consequence of this is that more and more coffee shops are appearing - replacing pubs as a community's social hub. These new hubs are transformed with aesthetics and acoustics in mind, in order to encapsulate the customer, as they happily purchase higher quality cups of coffee in their new preferred environments. Hence why 64% of experts deemed this area to be the most expansive, when compared to branded coffee shops (28%).
However, the competition between the coffee shops is continuing to increase. They are all aiming to attract custom through thought leadership, as well as unusual and unique ‘must try’ coffee experiences. This has resulted in 80% of people visiting coffee shops at least once a week, whilst 16% of us visit on a daily basis.
Demand for High Quality Coffee (21%)
Today, 80% of UK households still buy instant coffee for in-home consumption, particularly those aged 65 and older. However, the younger generations are crippling that trend and it’s not just the coffee geeks and hipsters.
Twenty years ago, espresso based drinks were only available in high-end coffee shops. Fast forward to 2019 and there’s an overload of coffee shops, and the availability of quality coffee has expanded into our pubs and retail stores. It seems everywhere has to ensure their coffee is quality, otherwise no-one will buy it.
As a result, coffee businesses have ramped up innovation to cater to the growing consumer demands. By trialling new methods, as well as revisiting old ones, coffee companies are aiming to create more distinctive, or new, flavour profiles.
On top of this, the out-of-home coffee sector has boomed, hitting £6.5bn value in 2018. Moreover, because more and more people are getting used to higher quality coffee being easily accessible out of home, they are trying to replicate it in the home, driving sales of espresso machines. Additionally, ground coffee and single-serve coffee pods are becoming increasingly popular, particularly amongst millennials who account for 16% of all buyers.
High Quality Coffee - Ethical Consumerism (21%)
With increased demand comes an increased awareness of globalisation and sustainability. As more people start to pay attention to our economy and environment, the production, supply chains and retailers of coffee are all under close surveillance.
A lot of the world’s coffee comes from developing countries, so fair-trade is high on the agenda. Fair-trade agreements provide better deals for the coffee farmers and their communities. Although products that are fair-trade certified are more expensive, conscious coffee consumers are willing to pay the premium.
In fact, by placing a high value on ethical sourcing and acquiring fair-trade labels have seen product sales boosted because the modern consumer want their purchases to make a difference. This theme has also been recognised with businesses who invest in recyclable cups and packaging, as well as sustainable infrastructures and technologies at the source.
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High Quality Coffee at Lincoln & York
After 25 years of sourcing, roasting and tasting coffee from all over the world, here at Lincoln & York, we believe that we know have the necessary experience and expertise to bring quality coffee to the masses.
By recognising the above trends and adhering to our own strong principles, we now deliver quality coffee all over Europe. Last year even saw us place first in the Sunday Times International Fast Track 200 awards, confirming that our operation is succeeding at attracting such committed coffee drinking nations.
Aside from the origins we source from, there are multiple other factors which can influence the quality of coffee. The washing and drying processes can impact upon the coffee cherry before it is roasted to determine further flavour. From here it’s all about the brew, extraction and pour of the coffee. This entire scientific process is what attracts coffee enthusiasts and buyers alike.
If you're interested in providing your customers with high quality coffee, get in touch and speak with our experts!