Aqua Cure
Aqua Cure are water purity experts and with many years of experience in water treatment, they know everything there is to know about tailoring water for specific applications.
Coffee applications in particular require very specific feed water properties in that a certain amount of hardness actually helps extract the flavour from your coffee beans. This means striking a very delicate balance between softening the water enough to prevent scale formation inside expensive coffee equipment and leaving enough hard minerals behind to aid extraction and create the best coffee possible.
Differences in water type, sometimes within small geographical areas mean that coffee / espresso equipment which is trouble free on one site might experience issues on another so there is no ‘off the peg’ solution. Aqua Cure can help you test your water to determine which of their extensive range of water treatment products is best suited to your water type, volume of coffee and budget.
All their staff are trained in the issues you’ll be likely to encounter and the various options available for rectifying them so whether you’re installing new equipment or having trouble with old equipment, make sure you consult the experts.
Next day delivery is available on all in-stock products and their comprehensive product range is available to view on their website.